Healing is God’s will for mankind. Many are missing out on their healing because they have never been taught on the subject. Some have heard but are plagued by a lack of knowledge on just how to receive their healing. Some believers have received their healing only to have their symptoms return later.
In this workshop, Rev. Sarah Griggs will take you through the scriptures to show the various means God uses today to bring healing to His people. You will discover the spiritual laws of contact and transmission of the anointing. The class will also cover pitfalls to receiving and maintaining healing.
Saturday June 28, 2014
9:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Antioch Family Life Center
1921 SE Indiana,
Topeka, KS 66607
While there is no charge for this workshop you will need to register so we have enough materials for everyone. You may register by sending an email with your name and how many are attending to Exodus Ministries@aol.com or you may call 785-845-3783. Deadline to register is June 27, 2014.
Refreshments will be provided - Free will offering will be taken