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Faith: Believing with the Heart

Many believers struggle with their faith.  They sometimes feel as though they have very little or no faith at all.  They may have gotten hit and miss answers to their prayers.  There are several reasons why this could be happening in a believer’s life.  It could be they haven’t spent time in the word to build their faith up to receive what they had need of.  Scripture says that without faith, you can’t please God.  What faith do you believe with?  Head faith or heart faith?  It takes heart faith to please God.  If you have found yourself in the situation where you are not seeing answers to your prayers, it could be that you are in head faith and not heart faith.  We invite you to join us, as we discuss various aspects of faith and what it means to believe with the heart.

While there is no charge for this workshop, you will need to register so we have enough materials for everyone.  You may register through the contact page on this website.  Please indicate how many will be attending.  Deadline to register is May 30, 2014.

Refreshments will be provided.  A love offering will be taken.

Location:  Antioch Family Life Center, 1921 SE Indiana, Topeka, KS  66607